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Tujuan Tantangan

  • Menjadi lebih santai dan meningkatkan kualitas jalan kaki dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

Tingkat 1

Beginners (2).png

Tujuan Tantangan

  • Meningkatkan interaksi kita dengan Bumi dan mengaktifkan otot mikro 

Tingkat 3



Natural Workout

Titik Harmoni

Beginners (3).png

Tujuan Tantangan

  • Peningkatan holistik dalam kesehatan fisik, spiritual dan emosional


Tingkat 3


Titik Harmoni

Sebenarnya Tantangan ini maksudnya apa sih?

Ini merupakan cara mudah dan seru agar lebih sehat dan lebih bahagia selama Lockdown Pandemi Covid-19! Kami memberitahu Anda hal-hal yang perlu dilakukan dari hari ke hari, sehingga Anda dapat membangun kebiasaan baik sehari-hari.

Bagaimana caranya?


Bergabunglah, ikuti tantangan ini dan dapatkan Panduan E-book komprehensif yang dapat diisi secara elektronik dan Action Plan 21 Hari.


Setiap hari selama 21 hari anda akan mendapatkan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk terus melanjutkan program Anda.


Mari bergabung dengan Grup Whatsapp kami dan bagikan pengalaman Anda, ajukan pertanyaan dan dapatkan jawaban dari orang-orang seminat!


Lihat dan dokumentasikan kemajuan Anda selama 21 hari untuk dokumentasi kesuksesan Anda dan melihat peluang untuk maju.

Apakah yang harus dilakukan?
  1. Bentuklah grup 3-5 orang

  2. Pilih jenis tantangan

  3. Daftar

  4. Ikuti rencana aktivitas tantangan 21 hari

  5. Latihan bersama dengan grup member minimum 3x per minggu

Saya belum punya Tim?

Klik disini untuk menemukan Anggota Tim

Bergabunglah dengan lebih dari 700+ orang yang telah mendapatkan hasil dari Program Tantangan 21 Hari kami..
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  2. I'm an image title

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  3. I'm an image title

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  4. I'm an image title

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  5. I'm an image title

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  6. I'm an image title

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  7. I'm an image title

    Describe your image here.

  8. I'm an image title

    Describe your image here.

  9. I'm an image title

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  10. I'm an image title

    Describe your image here.

  11. I'm an image title

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  12. I'm an image title

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  13. I'm an image title

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  • How to Register?
    Click here: Please make sure you register before the 15th of March 2021
  • How many people in each group?
    3-5 people per group, please make sure all group members fulfill all the prerequisites for your chosen challenge level
  • What are the benefits of doing this 21 Day Challenge?
    Create a new positive habit for life Consistent Natural Walking practice Choices of fun and interesting programs Support from group practices Support from Natural Walking HO (Free sessions with Instructors and Founder) Positive activity during lockdown/quarantine for the whole family
  • What are the benefits of practicing Natural Walking consistently over 21 days?
    Commonly reported benefits include: - Positive mood changes - Stronger and freer - Feeling more connected to the body - Increased height - Better posture - Improved sleep quality - Improvement in general health (cholesterol level/fat level etc) Benefits for each person may vary depending on each person's personal condition and quality of practice.
  • Which challenge level should I choose?
    There are 3 challenges available (Beginners, Intermediate and Complete Wellness). Form a group and check out the prerequisites and time commitment needed to determine which one suits everyone best.
  • How many practices am I supposed to do each day?
    The challenges have been designed to give you the most comprehensive workout according to the level you choose. Follow the program as much as you can.
  • Must I follow the practices in a particular order?
    The challenges have been designed in a way to help you progress, follow the program for best results. You can however break up each session but ensure that each session is at least 30 minutes.
  • I've misplaced some of the recordings listed on the challenge/ my internet is too slow to stream the audio link, what should I do?"
    Request recordings to: or WhatsApp: +61431565592 by sending in a copy of your certificate. You will receive a download link upon approval.
  • If my feet hurt during a certain key, should I continue to the next key?"
    Hurting is a sign of uneven pressure or that your muscles are not being used properly and the weight is pressing on your bones and joints. Ensure your basic keys are proper and you may also take the chance to get support/evaluation from our qualified instructors at our walking center.
  • I’m only interested in walking challenges, do I need to do the links connected to Youtube? (meditation, heart practice/breathing practice)"
    Natural Walking and Open Heart Meditation are two separate practices that go hand in hand. However you may choose to do whatever you like.
  • What if I missed a recording / missed a day of practice?
    It’s ok. We understand that life sometimes gets in the way, just continue to the next day as per normal. The key is consistency and have fun!
  • What should I do after I finish the program?
    Review and reflect on your progress and be grateful for the changes that have happened.
  • Should I be making any other lifestyle changes during this 21 Day Challenge?
    This is up to you, but we believe that eating a healthier diet, having a good amount of rest and being grateful to True Source will give you a more comprehensive overall positive effect.
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