This workshop will teach you how to walk properly using the 6 keys that will be reviewed one by one in detail to make sure every participant knows the basic understanding of natural walking so that every step we take can:
Significantly reduce joint, bone and nerve pain
Improve posture and related conditions such as scoliosis and hunch back
Increase flexibility and balance and a more developed core
Improve blood sugar and cholesterol levels
Improve digestion, metabolism and weight loss
Improve functioning of internal organs
Increase energy and endurance levels and vitality
Have a more toned and proportional body size
Have a calmer mind and elevated mood and improved sleep quality.
Participants will be invited to do experiments in this interactive workshop to be more connected to their body and to most importantly experience relaxation by actively removing stress. The end result of this training is to make a person more healthy mentally and spiritually.physically ,
Film Director

President of Indonesia
Golf Association

My posture and skin improved, SONW has helped me to be happier and open when interacting with others. This helps me to be calmer, less stressed and my everyday mood is better.
Nimue Lauritzen, Yogjakarta

I was diagnosed with Alopecia which is an illness that causes balding. After practicing SONW minimal 60 mins a day for 21 consecutive days, my doctor was surprised that new hair started to grow again at the balding spots.
Gia, Indonesia

I suffered from a collapsed disc in my spine due to degeneration, which caused a crack in one of the vertebrae. I could not go up or down the stairs, but about 3 months into Secrets of Natural Walking, I was surprised that I could bend my left knee while climbing the stairs!
Wun Hong Moi, Singapore

Workshops consist of 8 hour sessions and are held over a one or two day period
taught in groups or in private individual sessions. Natural Walking workshops combine theory with practical application to introduce, reinforce and fine-tune the program's simple six step natural walking movement. Participants will receive a workbook, audio recording for daily practice and a certificate upon completion. After 2 weeks of practicing, participants can contact their instructors for feedback and help and any general questions.

Rukan Gading Bukit Indah Blok L-12
Kelapa Gading – Jakarta 14240
WhatsApp: 0877 8850 1144